This website contains promotional content and is intended for Healthcare Professionals based in the United Kingdom only. Some content is only relevant to HCPs practising in Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales). This website is optimised for desktop use, and some features may perform differently on mobile devices.

Adverse event reporting can be found at the bottom of the page.

Disclaimer: These resources can be downloaded and must only be given to your patient(s) when the decision to prescribe DUPIXENT® has already been made by a Healthcare Professional.  Your patient(s) must not be directed towards this website as it is intended for healthcare professionals only. However, once prescribed, patients will be given access to the patient website through patient materials.

Patient Support - Atopic Dermatitis

What is DUPIXENT Patient Support?

The DUPIXENT Patient Support Programme, DUPIXENT MyWay, is designed to help enrolled Patients achieve optimum levels of adherence and increase levels of self-confidence and ability to manage both their condition and treatment regimen.   

With DUPIXENT MyWay, our goal is to encourage your patients to make effective use of DUPIXENT.

With more on-demand and digital touchpoints we are giving your patients relevant tools & information when they need it to support and educate them on their DUPIXENT treatment. 

Dispense and delivery

  • Prescription management by your homecare provider
  • They will arrange deliveries against an active prescription
  • They will check the patient's stock when delivering and flag any medication adherence concerns

Nurse-led injection training

  • Trained homecare nurses to help your patients or their carers be confident and competent in all aspects of self-administration 
  • Educate your DUPIXENT patients on how to get the best from the support available
  • Virtual nursing is available for all patients

Patient support programme

  • Designed to inform and motivate your patients to maintain therapy  
  • Including ongoing support calls, digital notifications, and injection day reminders

How to ensure your patient is signed up to the PSP?

Once you have made the decision to prescribe, to ensure that your patients can benefit from all aspects of the DUPIXENT MyWay Patient Support Programme, please tick the box for PSP on the homecare registration form.

Please also give your patient or their carer the Home Delivery and Patient Support Service leaflet which can be found in the Patient Support Resource section below, designed to let your patients know what to expect from the service.

DUPIXENT Patient Support Journey


Patient Support Programme

Injection Videos

It's important patients and carers feel comfortable and prepared for injecting DUPIXENT, so we've developed videos to help support.

Patient Support Resources

Patient Website

Find resources and support for your patients on DUPIXENT. This Includes information about treatment, how to inject guides, travelling with DUPIXENT information and support resources.

Welcome to Dupixent Patient Handbook

In this guide, patients can learn what inflammation is, how DUPIXENT works, and get answers to commonly asked questions.

Patient Abbreviated Leaflet - AD

This guide provides informatoin about how DUPIXENT aims to treat Atopic Dermatitis and where to get more information and support.

Home Delivery and Patient Support Service leaflet 

Leaflet designed to let your patients know what to expect from the service

Injecting DUPIXENT® Your ‘how-to’ guide 

In this guide, patients can find instructions and tips for successfully managing injections at home.

All patients starting treatment on Homecare services will receive a starter pack with all of the appropriate resources above to their home.

DUPIXENT Patient Comic Booklet 

The DUPIXENT comic has been designed to help children explore what their condition is and what to expect with DUPIXENT.

DUPIXENT Immune MicroPilots game

This free-to-play game has been designed to help children feel more relaxed during their injection. The game is available on mobile devices via a trusted app called Healthinote.

Podcast for parents/caregivers of children being prescribed Dupixent

Several podcasts with a clinical psychologist in paediatric dermatology help make injections easier. The podcasts cover topics including easing injection anxiety and strategies for future injections.

Approach Injection Time Positively with Children Booklet

A leaflet with tools and techniques to empower you to support your child before, during and after their injections.

Order materials packs for your patients who are being prescribed DUPIXENT either via your local representative or Contact Medical Information on +44 (0) 800 035 2525 (Monday – Friday, 8:30-17:30, excluding public holidays).

Photo of the paper ADCT test

Atopic Dermatitis Control Test (ADCT)

Atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema, may be affecting your patient’s life in more ways than you know.

The ADCT gives a measure of how controlled your patient’s eczema is. Use these 6 concise questions to evaluate all dimensions of atopic dermatitis control.

Development of ADCT involved literature review as well as interviews with patients and physicians, and was funded by Sanofi and Regeneron.

Try the ADCT

MAT-XU-2402956 (v4.0) Date of Preparation: February 2025