- Article
- Source: Campus Sanofi
- 23 Oct 2023
Signs and Symptoms of Gaucher disease

What to look out for
The signs of Gaucher disease may look similar to other haematological malignancies. Rule out Gaucher disease in patients who present with these symptoms.
Four key symptoms to look out for are:1
Bone pain
What to look out for
The journey to diagnosis can be a challenge. However, there are some key symptoms and signs to look out for:2,3


Gaucher symptoms prevalence data from Charrow J et al. Arch Intern Med. 2000. 160:2835–2843.3
When considering patients with these symptoms, where malignancy has been ruled out, think Gaucher disease.3–20

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MAT-XU-2302932 (v1.0) Date of preparation: October 2023