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Collaboration with healthcare organisations and the NHS to deliver real value beyond our medicines. Explore different joint working working projects covering a range of disease areas, including diabetes, oncology, dermatology, vaccines and cardiovascular disease that deliver benefits to the patients, healthcare organisations and life sciences companies involved. Whenever possible, we publish the conclusions of our collaborative working so that others can learn from our experiences.

Case studies

Sanofi undertakes collaborative working projects for the benefit of patients and/or the NHS. These projects are entirely non promotional and are not linked in any way to any of our products.

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board GvHD Project.

The aim of the project is to improve patient outcomes and experiences when undergoing treatment within the BMT service in the University Hospital of Wales.

St Helen’s Diabetes Project.

This collaborative working project aims to identify areas for improvement in services, pathways, and care standards that could inform optimal utilisation of available transformation funding.

Wessex AHSN Lipid Pathway Mapping Project.

This collaborative working project aims to understand the different lipid pathways within the region, identifying the existing pressure points within services and whether inequity exists in this clinical area that contributes to overall health inequalities.

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Collaborative Working Project with Sanofi.

Improving the pathway and experience for patients accessing the specialist Hidradenitis Suppurativa service at Salford Royal NHS Foundation trust.

Collaborative Working Project between Sanofi and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital Trust.

A Collaborative working agreement between Sanofi and the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to review and improve the homecare prescription pathway within the Hospital Trust.

Collaborative Working Project between Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust and Sanofi.

Improve the patient journey and experience within the Dermatology Biologics service at Salford Care Organisation within Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (NCA NHS FT).

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MAT-XU-2302661 (v4.0) Date of Preparation: May 2024