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Hepatitis A (inactivated, adsorbed) and Typhoid polysaccharide vaccine

UK - Viatim® Discontinuation

What’s happened?

Sanofi has discontinued the production of Viatim®, a combined vaccine used for active immunisation against Hepatitis A and typhoid, and it is no longer available in the UK.


ViATIM - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc) (

Production ceased in December 2021 and UK supplies were exhausted as of October 2022.

The final doses supplied had an expiry date of November 2024.

Our decision to stop the production of Viatim® is not linked to safety issues.

Why has it happened?

Sanofi discontinued the production of Viatim® due to the EU GMP Annex 1 guideline on manufacturing of sterile medicinal products that came into effect in 2021.

This guideline makes the use of barrier technology mandatory, and it was not possible to adapt our production line to incorporate this change and to therefore meet this requirement.

Sanofi has single-antigen vaccines that can be supplied in replacement of Viatim® subject to current availabilities.

These include:

  • Avaxim®, for adult immunisation against Hepatitis A; and
  • Typhim Vi®, for immunisation against Typhoid fever

Further product details are available below.

When did it happen?

Viatim® production was discontinued in December 2021 and UK supplies ran out in October 2022.

What are the alternative options?

There is availability of alternative typhoid and hepatitis A vaccines.

Sanofi produces single antigen vaccines that can be given to provide protection against,

Hepatitis AAVAXIM® - Product InformationFor PI click here
TyphoidTYPHIM Vi® - Product InformationFor PI click here

These vaccines can be given at the same time. Please refer to the respective Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) before prescribing.

Sanofi does not generate extra income from providing single antigen vaccines, in fact the NHS list price of purchasing individually is less than when purchasing Viatim®.

  • Avaxim® NHS List Price = £21.72
  • Typhim Vi® NHS List Price = £11.16
  • Viatim® NHS List Price = £35.76

What do you need to do?

You can order Avaxim® or Typhim Vi® via the methods below:

  • Vaxishop - Login | Vaxishop
  • Customer Services – 0800 854 430 (option 1)
  • Contact a Sanofi Vaccine Business Manager

Other Hepatitis A and Typhoid protecting vaccines are available in the UK.

MAT-XU-2305576(v1.0) Date of preparation: December 2023