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MenQuadfiTM is only available in Great Britain


Hajj is the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

  • It is attended by approximately 3 million Muslims each year
  • All adult, able-bodied Muslims are required to undertake Hajj at least once in their lifetime if they have the means to do so
  • Umrah is a shorter, non-compulsory pilgrimage for Muslims, which is performed as part of the Hajj ritual, but can also be undertaken at any time.1


Hajj occurs between the 8th and 12th day of the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.

  • In 2024 it is estimated to be from 14th – 19th June.
  • Umrah can be undertaken at any time of year.1


Healthcare professional checklist for patients who will be attending Hajj or Umrah:

  • Ensure they are up to date on all routine immunisations1
  • Check on their fitness level and ask about any existing medical conditions. Hajj rituals can be taxing.1
  • Remind them to practise good hand hygiene and avoid sharing drinks and eating utensils1
    • Required vaccinations:1
    • COVID-19 – full course
    • MenACWY vaccine received at least 10 days prior to arrival to Hajj & Umrah areas
    • Polio
    • Yellow Fever

See the NaTHNaC Travel Health Pro page for further recommended vaccines and other health risks.

Order Hajj and Umrah patient posters

Download posters on Hajj and Umrah for your patients in the language you need below or contact our Customer Service team on 0800 854 430 (choose "option 1") to have them delivered to you.

Patients can find more information about Hajj on the NHS Fit For Travel website.

Direct your patients to the Smarter Traveller website to find tips and advice on Hajj and other health topics.

Order patient materials including an epidemiology travel map and disease leaflets


Patients can find more information about Hajj on the NHS Fit For Travel website.

Direct your patients to the Smarter Traveller website to find tips and advice on Hajj and other health topics.

Order patient materials including an epidemiology travel map and disease leaflets

Ways to order

You can order Sanofi Vaccines in two ways: online at VAXISHOP or through our call centre. Read more about ordering vaccines.

CALL 0800 854 430

  1. Travel Health Pro Hajj & Umrah. Accessed May 2024.

MAT-XU-2301389 (v3.0) Date of preparation: May 2024