Patients who switched to ALPROLIX® prophylaxis saw a reduction in ABRs regardless of prior factor IX therapy or treatment regimen1
- The median ABR with ALPROLIX prophylaxis was less than half that of patients’ prior SHL prophylaxis (4.8 vs 2; n=13)
- 81% of patients (n=26/32) who switched to ALPROLIX prophylaxis from SHL prophylaxis were able to lengthen their dosing interval
- The median duration on ALPROLIX was 2.7 (0.5-5) years
- Patients who switched to ALPROLIX prophylaxis from prior SHL prophylaxis saw an ~50% reduction in weekly factor consumption (n=32)
- Median baseline consumption was 116 IU/kg on prior SHL therapy, with a reduction to 60 IU/kg at first infusion of ALPROLIX
Study design1
- Data are from a multicenter, retrospective chart review of patients with hemophilia B (n=64) aged 2 to 78 years who had received ALPROLIX prophylaxis or on-demand treatment for ≥6 months across 6 sites in the United States
- The median duration on ALPROLIX was 2.7 (0.5-5) years
- Some of the data were collected while the patients were in the B-LONG, Kids B-LONG, and B-YOND studies; however, most data were collected after study termination
Study limitations1
- These data are limited by the retrospective nature of the chart review; small sample sizes; the availability, completeness, and accuracy of medical charts; and the variability of the information collected by different observers
- Data are presented using descriptive statistics; therefore, extrapolation of results to patients outside the study population may be limited
Severe and moderate patients who switched* to ALPROLIX prophylaxis saw a reduction in ABRs by 76% (from 4.5 to 1.1; n=16) and 52% (from 6.9 to 3.3; n=6), respectively1
*Patients could be on prior SHL prophylaxis treatment or SHL on-demand treatment before switching to ALPROLIX prophylaxis.
Data are not from a head-to-head study. No head-to-head studies were conducted to assess the safety or efficacy of ALPROLIX compared with SHL products.

Hear from real patients taking ALPROLIX
ABR=annualized bleed rate; SHL=standard half-life.
References: 1. Shapiro A, Chaudhury A, Wang M, et al. Haemophilia. 2020;26(6):975-983.