ALTUVIIIO is the first and only once-weekly Factor VIII replacement therapy of its kind1
Once-weekly ALTUVIIIO is a first-in-class, high-sustained Factor VIII replacement therapy that provides normal to near-normal levels (>40%) for most of the week in adults.1*
Learn more about how ALTUVIIIO was studied
Achieve higher Factor VIII levels with ALTUVIIIO1

Improved bleed protection with once-weekly dosing2
- Routine prophylaxis (n=128) resulted in a median ABR of 0.0 (Q1, Q3: 0.0-1.0) and a mean ABR of 0.7 (95% CI: 0.5-1.0)‡
- Significant improvement in bleed protection in the intrapatient comparison group (n=78): 77% reduction in mean ABR vs prestudy Factor VIII prophylaxis‡
* Data from the Phase 3 XTEND-1 study in 125 adults ≥18 years receiving a weekly IV infusion of 50 IU/kg ALTUVIIIO.1
† Mean trough level was computed using available measurements at Week 52/end of study PK sampling visit for the adult population in the XTEND-1 study (n=123).1
‡ Based on treated bleeds.1
ABR=annualized bleed rate; aPTT=activated partial thromboplastin time; CI=confidence interval; IU=international unit; IV=intravenous; PK=pharmacokinetics; Q1=25th percentile; Q3=75th percentile; SD=standard deviation.
References: 1. ALTUVIIIO Prescribing Information. Bioverativ Therapeutics Inc. Waltham, MA. 2. von Drygalski A, et al. N Engl J Med. 2023;388(4):310-318.