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(belumosudil) tablets

REZUROCK is recommended by NICE, within its marketing authorisation, for treating chronic graft-versus-host disease (chronic GvHD) in people 12 years and older after 2 or more systemic treatments.6


REZUROCK is indicated for the treatment of patients aged 12 years old or older with chronic GvHD who have recieved at least two prior lines of systemic therapy.1

REZUROCK targets both the inflammatory and fibrotic processes of cGvHD through selective inhibition of the ROCK2 pathway.1-3

REZUROCK demonstrated efficacy in a broad range of patients with cGvHD.4

The safety profile of REZUROCK was evaluated across 2 multicentre clinical studies.4-5


REZUROCK targets both the inflammatory and fibrotic processes of cGvHD through selective inhibition of the ROCK2 pathway.1-3

REZUROCK demonstrated efficacy in a broad range of patients with cGvHD.4

The safety profile of REZUROCK was evaluated across 2 multicentre clinical studies.4-5

Patient Support 

Printer-Friendly Guide

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Suitable for those who prefer a physical copy or want to keep it handy.

Mobile-Friendly Guide

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Optimal for convenient access on mobile devices.

Mechanism of Action

How REZUROCK works

This video describes how REZUROCK targets both the inflammatory and fibrotic processes of cGvHD through selective inhibition of the ROCK2 pathway.1-3

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MAT-XU-2305107 (v4.0) Date of Preparation: February 2025