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Efficacy on-demand

ALPROLIX® offers acute bleed control your on-demand patients can trust, no matter their age1

Most bleeding episodes resolved with just 1 infusion1-3:

Kids B-LONG:
75% (n=45/60)

Aged 1-11 years

90% (n=575/636)

Aged ≥12 years

87% (n=74/85)

Aged <18 years

Response to first infusion was rated as excellent or good,* with abrupt or definite pain relief and/or improvement in signs of bleeding1,2,4:

Kids B-LONG:
89% (n=47/53)

Aged 1-11 years

84% (n=513/613)

Aged ≥12 years

91% (n=72/79)

Aged <18 years

In B-LONG, the median overall ABR for adults and adolescents treated on-demand was1: 17.69 (10.77-23.24)

*Seven first injections for bleeding episodes in children were not evaluated for response and are excluded from this analysis.1

Excellent response was defined as abrupt pain relief and/or improvement in signs of bleeding. Good response was defined as definite pain relief and/or improvement in signs of bleeding but possibly requiring another injection in 1-2 days.1,4

Clinical trial information

Kids B-LONG was a phase 3 open-label study that investigated the safety and efficacy of ALPROLIX in 30 previously treated pediatric patients with severe hemophilia B. Fifteen patients were 1 to 5 years of age; 15 patients were 6 to 11 years of age.1

B-LONG was a phase 3 open-label study that investigated the safety and efficacy of ALPROLIX in 123 previously treated adult and adolescent patients aged ≥12 years with severe hemophilia B. The study included a fixed-interval (weekly) arm (n=63), a fixed-dose (interval-adjusted) arm (n=29), an episodic (on-demand) arm (n=27), and a surgical arm (n=12).1

PUPs B-LONG was a phase 3 open-label study that investigated the safety and efficacy of ALPROLIX in 33 PUPs aged <18 years with moderate or severe hemophilia B (≤2% endogenous factor IX activity). At enrollment, the median age was 0.6 years (range: 0.1-2 years).3

ABR=annualized bleed rate; PUP=previously untreated patient.

Icon of a syringe and a vial, representing injectable medication
Pediatric and adult/adolescent dosing targets for on-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes1
Icon of a shield with a checkmark, indicating verified safety
ALPROLIX prophylaxis offers bleed and joint bleed protection1†

ALPROLIX has been proven to help patients prevent bleeding episodes using a prophylaxis regimen.1


ALPROLIX is a recombinant DNA derived, coagulation Factor IX concentrate indicated in adults and children with hemophilia B for:

  • On-demand treatment and control of bleeding episodes
  • Perioperative management of bleeding
  • Routine prophylaxis to reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes

Limitation of Use

ALPROLIX is not indicated for induction of immune tolerance in patients with hemophilia B.

Important Safety Information


ALPROLIX is contraindicated in patients who have a known history of hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, to the product or its excipients.

Warnings and Precautions

  • Allergic-type hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, are possible with factor replacement therapies, and have been reported with ALPROLIX. Discontinue use of ALPROLIX if hypersensitivity symptoms occur, and initiate appropriate treatment.
  • Formation of neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) to Factor IX has been reported following administration of ALPROLIX. Patients using ALPROLIX should be monitored for the development of Factor IX inhibitors. Clotting assays (e.g., one-stage) may be used to confirm that adequate Factor IX levels have been achieved and maintained.
  • The use of Factor IX products has been associated with the development of thromboembolic complications.
  • Nephrotic syndrome has been reported following attempted immune tolerance induction in hemophilia B patients with Factor IX inhibitors and a history of allergic reactions to Factor IX. The safety and efficacy of using ALPROLIX for immune tolerance induction have not been established.

Adverse reactions

The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥1%) in previously untreated patients were injection site erythema, hypersensitivity, and Factor IX inhibition. The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥1%) in previously treated patients were headache, oral paresthesia, and obstructive uropathy.


Important Safety Information

References: 1. ALPROLIX [package insert]. Waltham, MA: Bioverativ Therapeutics Inc. 2. Nolan B, Klukowska A, Shapiro A, et al. Final results of PUPs B-LONG study: evaluating safety and efficacy of rFIXFc in previously untreated patients with hemophilia B. Poster presented at: The 28th Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH); July 12-14, 2020; Virtual. 3. Data on file. Waltham, MA: Bioverativ Therapeutics Inc. 4. Study to determine the safety and efficacy of rFIXFc in previously untreated males with severe hemophilia B (PUPs B-LONG). identifier: NCT02234310. Updated March 25, 2022. Accessed October 26, 2022.

© 2024 Sanofi. All rights reserved. ALPROLIX and Sanofi are registered trademarks of Sanofi or an affiliate. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MAT-US-2021400-v7.0-09/2024 Last updated: September 2024