2 year old Caucasian male
Switched to ALTUVIIIO: July 2023
Noah, who has severe hemophilia A, presented for a comprehensive care visit. Noah’s mother wanted to feel confident in his bleed protection while he’s at daycare and she’s at work.
Patient Information
- Around time of birth, Noah was started on SHL prophylaxis after prolonged bleed from heel stick and circumcision
- From around 6 months of age, Noah was using weekly EHL therapy with SHL on-demand
- Mild iron deficiency due to exclusive breastfeeding (using IV iron for treatment)
- No family history of hemophilia A
- Wt: 29 lbs
- No significant findings on physical exam
- Inhibitor titer negative
- No joint bleeds detected in imaging
Noah’s Path to High Sustained Factor Replacement Therapy, ALTUVIIIO
Birth: Diagnosed with severe hemophilia A following uncontrolled bleeding from heel stick and circumcision
- Was found to have a de novo mutation with no family history of hemophilia
After diagnosis
6 months old: Noah was initiated on extended half-life therapy and standard half-life therapy on demand.
2 years old: Noah is becoming increasingly physically active and is attending daycare.

- Noah presented for a comprehensive care visit

Considering the switch
Provider and Noah’s mother discussed concerns about Noah’s:
- Increasing physical activity
- Need for proven bleed protection
Provider and Noah’s mother determined ALTUVIIIO was the optimal therapeutic choice to:
- Provide bleed protection for Noah1

Switched to ALTUVIIIO: July 2023
- Since switching to ALTUVIIIO, Noah has normal to near-normal Factor VIII levels (>40%) for ~3 days of the week. He has experienced 0 spontaneous bleeds and his mother now feels confident in his bleed protection1
Do you have patients like Noah?
If so, it may be worth it to consider the following:

How good is good enough?
Would you consider a patient like Noah to be doing okay on their current treatment?

Choosing the right treatment
How would you discuss switching to a more appropriate treatment option, like ALTUVIIIO, with patients like Noah?

Unlocking high sustained factor levels
Do you think high sustained factor levels and once-weekly dosing with ALTUVIIIO could benefit your patients like Noah?
EHL=extended half-life; FVIII=Factor VIII; IU=international unit; IV=intravenous; SHL=standard half-life; Wt=weight.
Other ALTUVIIIO patients who made the switch!

Meet Peter
A 32 year old reverend with severe hemophilia A previously on prophylaxis therapy.

Meet Otis
A 43 year old who works loading trucks and previously treated his moderate hemophilia A with an on-demand therapy.
Reference: 1. ALTUVIIIO Prescribing Information. Bioverativ Therapeutics Inc. Waltham, MA.